Monday Oct 09, 2023

S02E03 GHG - The last business card you’ll ever need

In our upcoming podcast, we've got the CEO & co-founder of contactify, Lars Sager, joining us in the studio. He's here to discuss transforming a category with an innovative concept towards net zero, perhaps even negative zero.

We'll kick things off by diving into the broader goal of achieving net-zero emissions across all categories before 2050. Our starting point? Most of us have used something that usually ends up in the trash bin within a week we share it: business cards.

A staggering ten billion business cards are printed annually in the USA alone.

Lars will walk us through creating an innovative (and nifty ) product, revamping customer branding and marketing, and fostering CRM loyalty while keeping it carbon-neutral and wallet-friendly.

Tune in and maybe consider making a habit of seeking out net-zero footprint alternatives, starting with that one on the last business card, you'll ever need.

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